- https://crunchbase.com -> find related acquasitions of the company
- (ASN Finding) -> search for company name and asn numbers (doesnt tarcks cloud infra. spaces)
- https://bgp.he.net
- asnlookup.py(yassineaboukir)
- metabigor(j3ssiejjj) -> [echo ’tesla’ | metabigor net –org -v]
- asnrecon
- (ASN Enum) -> For discovering more seed domains and return root domains
- amass(Jeff Foley) -> [amass intel -asn 46489]
- (Reverse whois)
- https://www.whoxy.com -> who has owned the company in the past
- DOMLink.py(Vincent Yiu) -> recursively query whoxy whois api
- (Ad/Analytics Relationship)
- https://builtwith.com/ -> gives technology profile and relations profile
- (Google-Fu)
- eg: “2019 Twitch INteractive, Inc.” inurl:twitch
- (Shodan)
- https://www.shodan.io/search?query=twitch.tv -> spiders infrastructure on the internet
(Linked and Js discovery)
- Burp Suite Pro -> hybrid technique to find both root/seed and subdomain
- visit a seed/root and spider all the linked html and js
- turn off passive scanning
- set forms auto to submit
- set scope to advance control and use “keyword” of target
- browse the site, then spider all hosts
- gospider(j3ssiejjj) -> [gospider -s https://www.twitch.tv]
- hakrawler(hakluke)
- subdomainizer(Neeraj Edwards) -> analyzing js and find out subdomains
- find cloud services referenced in js files
- use shannon entrophy formula to find sensitive items in js files such as api keys
- subscraper(Cillian Collins) -> just scrapes js files and finds subdomains
- Burp Suite Pro -> hybrid technique to find both root/seed and subdomain
(Subdomain Scraping) -> find more subdomains
- (Google) { - is used to exclude and narrow down the results}
- site:twitch.tv -www.twitch.tv
- site:twitch.tv -www.twitch.tv -watch.twitch.tv
- site:twitch.tv -www.twitch.tv -watch.twitch.tv -dev.twitch.tv
- amass -> [amass -d twitch.tv]
- amass correlates the scraped domain to ASN and list where they came forms
- this helps to know the technology they are using
- subfinder(projectdiscovery.io) -> [subfinder -d twitch.tv -v]
- github-subdomains.py(Gwendal Le) -> scrapes github repos and parse into list of subdomains
- shosubgo(inc0gbyt3) -> shodan scraper to find subdomain using {needs api key}
- (Cloud Ranges) -> technique to monitor whole cloud range for SSL sites and parse cert. to match target
- eg: [curl ‘https://tls.bufferover.run/dns?q=.twitch.tv’ 2>/dev/null | jq .Results]
- Sam Erb defcon talk on how to set up such service
- (Google) { - is used to exclude and narrow down the results}
(Subdomain Bruitforce) -> checking for live subdomains by resolving them
- amass -> [amass enum -bruit -d twitch.tv -src] | [amass enum -bruit -d twitch.tv -rf resolvers.txt -w wordlist.list]
- shuffledns(projectdiscovery.io) -> [shuffledns -d twitch.tv -w list.txt -r resolvers.txt]
- (wordlist)
- Tailered wordlist
- make wordlist in fly
- TomNomNom tool for making Tailered wordlist {who, what, where when, wordlist talk}
- Massive wordlist
- use all in one massive wordlist
- all.txt by JHaddix
- https://github.com/assetnote/commonspeak2 (Alteration Scanning) -> pattern of bruit forcing when a common sequence
- eg: dev.company.com | dev1.company.com | dev2.company.com | dev-1.company.com | Dev.2.company.com
- Tailered wordlist
- (port scan)
- masscan(Robert Graham) -> Used for scanning open ports {only for ip and not domain and much faster than nmap}
[masscan -p1-65535 -iL $ipfile –max-rate 1800 -oG $output.log]
- syntax guide: https://danielmiessler.com/study/masscan
- dnmasscan(rastating) -> Wrapper around masscan to scan domains [dnmasscan example.txt dns.log -oG scan.log] {example.txt contains dns and the ip will be stored in dns.log for further scanning}
- masscan(Robert Graham) -> Used for scanning open ports {only for ip and not domain and much faster than nmap}
[masscan -p1-65535 -iL $ipfile –max-rate 1800 -oG $output.log]
- (service scan)
- brutespray(x90skysn3k) -> scans for default remote admin protocols after port scan
- (github dorking)
- Jhaddix bash script for github dork wrapper
- github-search(Gwendal Le)
- th3g3ntelman’s full module on github sensitive data exposure
- (Screenshotting)
- Aquatone
- HTTPscreenshot
- Eyewitness (for both http and https)
occurs when a sub is pointing to a service which is removed or deleted. you can setup a page in similar service that was being used and point to that sub.
- can-i-take-over-xyz(EdOverflow) -> github repo on how to claim subs for different services
- subover(Ic3man/projectdiscovery.io)
- nuclei(projectdiscovery.io) -> large scale tool
- Interlace(Codingo) -> help glue up together these recon tools {hakluke’s guide on it}
- CIDR input
- Glob input
- threading
- proxying
- queue command
- etc..